
'Kavaludaari' is an intriguing, unconventional crime thriller Kannada movie. A definite one time watch with some good performances.

It's a story of traffic cop, who doesn't like to mind his own business of simply managing the traffic, but wants to solve criminal cases. He, once finds some human skeletons during the road widening project & ask his senior to allow him solve the case. After, no positive response from senior, he takes the mandate & tracks down each person involved, series of events & possibilities of what could have happened, with the help of a retired cop, who was once investigating the case, back then. This unfolds a murder mystery, which was buried from the 70's, with many suspects under the scanner.

The highlight of the film is engaging screenplay with neo noir theme & some beautiful recreations of all the incidents with probable suspects, while the protagonist reads the case file while investigates the case.

- Raj Jadhav (28-05-2019)


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